School Story Lab

Photo: Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

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Featured Story

“Bad Meal”

“Honestly, the main thing [that hinders my experiences of happiness/joy in school] is cafeteria food. Recently I’ve been trying to do homework, and typically I have a really swift time doing homework but cafeteria food really makes my stomach hurt so I can’t work diligently or I’m in constant pain because I had a bad meal.”

Male, Colorado, United States

Photo: Arkansas River Tour

Photo: Tabitha Turner on Unsplash

We Collect School Stories

School Story Lab is a student-run lab directed by Professor Susan D. Blum at the University of Notre Dame. We want to provide a place for people from all countries to talk about their experiences in all levels of schools: the joys and fears, triumphs and shame, friendships and loneliness, curiosity and boredom, and everything else that accompanies the experience of school. School is about what people learn, how people learn, what they don’t learn, who they learn with. We want to know what it feels like. Tell us your stories!